What are the differences between Keyboard and Piano?

There are different categories in the music world and different types of musical instruments based on it. First, before mastering any of these, you need to assess yourself what you want and then make a perfect decision. To become a great musician or music artist depends on your interest in learning a musical instrument. Keyboard and Piano are one of those instruments. Although there are many similarities in appearance, there are many differences between the Keyboard and PianoBecoming the best traditional classical Piano player or keyboard player requires a lot of focus, dedication, worship and hard work with a lot of patience.

Our school, Glorious Music School” has good experience in providing courses for learning Guitar, Keyboard, Ukulele and Drum classes. Based on that experience, to understand the differences between Keyboard and Piano, some theories about the characteristics or definitions of these two special musical instruments are the subject of today’s discussion.


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How to define a Keyboard?

  • Keyboard is very easy to learn in starting and it will teach any student the basic steps of music theory. In this duration, a student can learn how to read sheet music, turn notes into chords, develop an understanding of melody, and play by ear. 
  • A Keyboard is an electronic musical instrument that produces sound by synthesizers. Having low-wattage power amplifiers and small loudspeakers Keyboards can be used to play a wide range of music such as from classical to rock.
  • As per the learner’s needs, the keyboard has a variety of keys, like 25, 37, 49, 61, 73 and 88. Except for the 88 piano-sized keyboards they have 3 additional keys as they start on A and not on C. In this case, we can say Keyboard and Piano are not the same Instruments.
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How to define Piano between Keyboard and Piano?

  • The Piano is a stringed keyboard instrument whose sound is created through strings and hammers. When the keys have been pressed, a tiny wooden hammer hits the several strings and produces a sound.
  • Most latest models of Pianos have a row of black and white 88 keys. Whereas, 52 white keys for the notes of the C major scale (C, D, E, F, G, A, and B) and 36 smaller black keys have been raised above the white keys and set further back for the sharps and flats. so, As the keys are in black and white shades, we almost get confused about whether the Keyboard and Piano belong to the same category of musical instruments.
  • The Piano has three pedals. These are the Damper or Sustain Pedal, which amplifies a sound when a key is hit, the Sostenuto Pedal, which acts as a selective damper, and the Una Corda or Soft Pedal, which shifts and hits the hammers to one of each note’s string.
  • In these Modern days, there are three types of Digital Pianos. These are 1. Upright digital piano, 2. Cabinet digital piano 3. Digital piano with keyboard stand.
  • Upright pianos only have two pedals. Unlike grand pianos, which are visually attractive, upright pianos are not very attractive and do not need much space. But grand pianos are capable of adding more delicate expressions to the notes.

Contact us to know more details about different types of musical instruments & their differences in uses or to join these classes at affordable prices. For any enquiries, you can visit here once Glorious Music School

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